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Desert Clean-up Drive at Awir, Dubai

  • Our dedicated employees are joining forces. Our team’s hard work and determination paid off, and we successfully gathered approximately 45 kg of waste in just 1 hour! 

    This accomplishment highlights our team’s commitment to environmental sustainability and underscores the impact that collective action can have on our planet. 

    We’re incredibly proud of our team and looking forward to continuing our efforts to make a positive difference in our community and beyond. 
    Let’s continue making a difference together! 

Wadi Adventure and Clean-up Activity

  • We are excited to highlight our recent CSR team outing to Wadi Showka Dam in Ras Al Khaimah, where 24 UAE employees joined us for an unforgettable hiking experience. Led by expert guides, our team also had the opportunity to learn valuable survival skills. The employees also demonstrated their commitment to environmental stewardship by participating in a clean-up initiative during the hike, where they collectively removed over 27kg of plastic waste from the wadi. This remarkable effort showcases our team’s dedication to protecting nature and positively impacting our surroundings.